Breast Density
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What is Breast Density:
1. Breast density is determined through a woman’s mammogram and described as one of four categories depending on the amount of breast tissue in comparison to fat in the breast.
2. 40% of women age 40 and over have dense breasts.
3. Cancer is 4-6 times more likely in women with extremely dense breasts than in women with fatty breasts.
4. Though mammograms find some cancers not seen on other screening tests, in dense breasts, mammograms will miss more than 50% of the cancers present.
5. Other screening tests, such as ultrasound or breast MRI, in addition to mammography substantially increase detection of early stage breast cancers in dense breasts.
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ABUS - Automated Whole-Breast Ultrasound
Approximately 40% of American women have dense breasts. Having dense breasts can increase a woman’s risk to develop cancer by 1-6 times. Mammography may miss cancers in dense breasts, Invenia ABUS has been proven to find 55 percent more invasive cancers after a normal or benign mammographic finding.

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